I Have- a poem by Cynthia

I Have- a poem by Cynthia

I have walked through the lion’s den.
I have felt the hot breath of satan on the back of my neck.
I have heard wicked whispers of deceit echo in my ears.
The lies sounded sweet as honey but led me only to death.

I have been lost in the wilderness.
I have forsaken my compass to be led by foolish thoughts and deeds.
I have stomped on my hopes and dreams.
I have had visions of failure repeatedly play like a movie reel in my mind.
The dignity and peace I once felt, laid in crumbles beneath my feet.

I have tasted the hopelessness on my lips with the salty defeat of my tears.
I have allowed the bitterness of hate to pierce my mouth shut when I should have cried out Your name instead.
“Jesus! Save me, Lord!”

I have tried so hard to give up on myself.
I have shoveled words of destruction upon my back until I could no longer reach my hands out of the pit that I had created.

I have been in battles for my life and the lives of the people I love.
I have been the No. 1 cheerleader in my life when no other person could lift me up.

I have prayed unceasingly sending out power to make walls collapse.
This daily fight between Good and Evil seems to never end.
But it is worth it to me.
I am worth it.
The people I love are worth it.

I could live to satisfy myself, but my goal is to please my Father in Heaven.
I could stop fighting and be passive, but I want to extend the Kingdom of Heaven.
With every prayer.
With every spiritual battle.
With every tear, I cry.

The will to live this Christ-centered life grows stronger and stronger.
I won’t allow my struggles to go to waste.

I know that with honor comes shame and with victory comes defeat.
The battle to be on the winning side of honor and victory is worth it to me.
I have experienced the enemy, but he has no hold on me.

Now I feel the rushing waves of Christ’s blood bring me to triumph.
Now I move in ways I never thought my paralyzed soul could move.
Now I find freedom from fear that once held me hostage.
Now I can breathe again as I take another step in the right direction.

You, God, are worth it to me because I was worth it to You.
You have given Your life for me.
You, God, are worthy.

Blushing Baketress

Hello, my name is Cynthia, the Blushing Baketress! My life is full of being a wife, Pittie mom (aka Pitbull), baker, encourager, writer, and old-school car cruiser. If you're interested in any of these topics, and even if you're not, please join in the fun on my blog! Let's hit the gas and don't look back!

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