Stop…and Rest

Stop…and Rest

As we embark on new journeys, new beginnings, and new mindsets for the coming year 2021, let’s take a moment to rest.
Before we make any huge decisions, plans, and life changes… let’s think, let’s pray, and open our ears to God’s voice.

God wants to give you new clarity.

A clarity you thought you would receive in 2020.
Everyone considered it to be a year of sharpness in our vision.
Yes, that may be the case in certain situations but what do we do now that we’re approaching the New Year with some of the same old junk going on?

I have learned that it is best to stop for a minute and rest before we keep going in the wrong direction wasting time.
If you were to think about it what would your Rest Stop look like?

Rest Area:
a public facility, located next to a large thoroughfare such as a motorway, expressway, or highway, at which drivers and passengers can rest, eat or refuel without exiting onto secondary roads


a road or path forming a route between two places

Oxford Languages Dictionary

What did you get out of reading the definitions?

In reading the definitions above I’ve decided to take a moment to stop and rest between two places, two roads, two decisions, etc. and refuel so I can be ready for what is coming next.
I’m not going to get off track driving on secondary roads when there is a clear path from Road A to Road B for me to follow.
My directions and my help are going to come directly from the One who created me because I am lost without Him.

Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21 ( AMP)

What is your ideal rest stop?

An ideal rest stop for me would be somewhere near water like a river.
Hey! Even a hot bath is good enough since I can’t make it to the river right now.
Almost every year we make it out to the Sacramento River to go rafting.
It is hours of fun!
But it is also very exhausting!
We have to stop on the side at a certain point to eat some food, enjoy swimming in the cool water, and rehydrate.
Let’s agree to take this moment and still our thoughts, listen for direction, and find our path because God has a purpose for us in every season.

A brand new season is approaching. Get ready for it.

Do not remember the former things,
Or ponder the things of the past.
Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing,
Now it will spring forth:
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:18-19 (AMP)

REST STOP…a poem by Cynthia

I’m finally here, chillin at this rest stop.
Not in a hurry.
Not rushing.
I threw out the to-do list.
I’m free to flow like a river, down the river I go.

I used to worry about my future.
I strived, sacrificed, and kept moving in my weariness.
I used to say stupid phrases to fuel me like, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead or the Nike slogan, “Just do it.”
I used to sound like an infomercial, selling my mind snake oil, hoping that the words would somehow pump energy into me.

I used to stuff the overwhelming feelings down so deep until someone would ask “What’s wrong?”
“Please don’t ask me that question.” I would reply, as tears I tried to ignore would spill out.
A not so friendly reminder: time to turn that broken record of a motivational speech back on…
“That’s enough tears now, Cynthia, get back to work!
Don’t think about how tired you are.”

I used to struggle to find a quiet place in my morning prayers.
I had to use tunnel vision.
Remaining focused with my ears perked up like a dog, just so I could hear Your voice.
With all the distractions and loudness, I kept speaking into my future.
I kept holding onto Your promise of renewal, rejuvenation, recompense, and rest.

I praise You for coming thru!
Now I am brand new, living only the life in which You destined.
Now I don’t consider the world, money, and the constant hurry or rush of it.
Now I no longer hear the disloyal laughter of family and friends who did not believe I would do what I said.
Who laughed when I told them I was retiring young and leaving out of state to enjoy a slow-paced life.
Who didn’t understand what I meant when I said, “It’s not about the year of the car, it’s about the mileage.”
Who never lived a life of fatigue because they were getting spoon-fed with a gold-plated spoon.

They comprehend it now as I wave goodbye with a sweet smile on my face.
I lean into You, together We flow like a river, down the river We go.

I’m able to rest because I took the time to stop.
I was speeding by too fast, my vision had become a blur.
And now, I look at the beauty that had always surrounded me, but I couldn’t see it before.
I received a new clarity from You and I know which path to take.

We flow freely like a river, down the River We go.
You, Lord, have taken the paddles guiding me through the waters.
I lay here in the raft, hands rested behind my head and eyes glued to the Heavens.
Down the river, We go.
Finally, here at the rest stop.

A song before you go…


A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life],
But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them.

Proverbs 16:9 (AMP)

2021 Here We Come!!!

I hope you enjoyed this post and are getting ready for the New Year.
Many blessings to you and your family!

Blushing Baketress

Hello, my name is Cynthia, the Blushing Baketress! My life is full of being a wife, Pittie mom (aka Pitbull), baker, encourager, writer, and old-school car cruiser. If you're interested in any of these topics, and even if you're not, please join in the fun on my blog! Let's hit the gas and don't look back!

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