Something important occurred to me today. I personally thought I knew everything I needed to know about being suited up with the armor of God. But as you may already know. We can read passages from the bible a million times and get something different from it. That is how His miraculous word works! I want you to please read these scriptures…then I will tell you what I have discovered.
13 Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]. 14 So stand firm and hold your ground, having tightened the wide band of truth (personal integrity, moral courage) around your waist and having put on the breastplate of righteousness (an upright heart), 15 and having strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news]. 16 Above all, lift up the [protective] shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Ephesians 6:13-17 (AMP) Bible.com
Notice anything? It tells us that we have a Belt, a Breastplate, some Shoes, a Shield, and a Helmet. This sounds perfect! It is just about everything that we would need to fight on a battleground. But were missing just one thing. Where is the protection for the backside of the soldier? Do you remember any scriptures in the bible that say we must run from our enemies? I don’t. Although I do recall this scripture.
7 So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 (AMP) Bible.com
Is it possible that there is absolutely no need for protecting our backside? Are we designed to just run away from our problems? The answer is no. We have been given authority over the evil one and by our trust in God alone, we can achieve victory over defeat. We have been given all the tools and weapons we need. It is the enemy who must flee and run away from us. We’re made to face all difficult problems, obstacles, and situations head-on allowing His strength and grace to supply everything that we need.
So does this mean that we can knowingly make bad or stupid decisions and just expect God to come thru and save the day with no consequences? Should we start fights with people, be rude or disrespectful, then pray for God to help us when that person goes after us? No! Should we not spend wisely, using every credit card we have, buying whatever we want all the time, then asking God to wipe our credit clean? No!
I am not trying to sound harsh, God is a God of love and mercy. Even when we fall short, but He is also a God of wisdom. He wants us to live wisely so we can have a good life. Common sense benefits us a lot in life.
1 What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow? 2 Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer?
Romans 6:1-2 (AMP) Bible.com
Believe me, I know it can be annoying to take extra precautions and do what is right. I work at an essential business at this time, I know I can only do my best to protect myself and others from COVID 19 by cleaning extra, wearing gloves, and a mask. Of course God’s grace will step in for the things that I cannot control.
I can only do my best and be respectful of everyone. I can only do my best and make sure I have a clear budget to follow. The main point I want to make is that God wants us to use wisdom in everything that we do. To try our best, be faithful, and walk this daily life with a pure heart. Isn’t that the least we can do for a God who has supplied us with all we need to be a warrior, a soldier, and an overcomer?
But the wisdom from above is first pure [morally and spiritually undefiled], then peace-loving [courteous, considerate], gentle, reasonable [and willing to listen], full of compassion and good fruits. It is unwavering, without [self-righteous] hypocrisy [and self-serving guile].
James 3:17 (AMP) Bible.com
In conclusion I just want to say that God knows us. He knows every mistake we will ever make before we even do it, but He loves us anyway. He knew exactly what we would need to live our daily lives, whether in good times or bad. He knew we would have hardships, disapointments and disease. He knew some things would hurt us even if we have tried our best not to get hurt.
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
John 16:33 (AMP) Bible.com

Would you say this prayer with me:
Dear Lord, thank you that you have overcome this world. That you are not surprised by the battles we face on a daily basis. You are with us to help us succeed and be victorious. To live in constant peace even when the world seems like it’s falling to pieces. You have designed us in such a way that we are creatures that will choose fight or flight. Let us choose confidently to fight. You have not created us to flee, but instead to fight a battle with faith and tools that bring victory. The enemy must and will flee from us! Let your grace not be a reason to keep doing wrong or making bad decisions. Please give us Your wisdom as well. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Blushing Baketress
Hello, my name is Cynthia, the Blushing Baketress! My life is full of being a wife, Pittie mom (aka Pitbull), baker, encourager, writer, and old-school car cruiser. If you're interested in any of these topics, and even if you're not, please join in the fun on my blog! Let's hit the gas and don't look back!
So beautifully eloquent and vivid!!! The poetry, pictures, and thought provoking prose! Cynthia, I will cherish walking this journey of Christ’s path alongside you! Keep posting your heart! ~
Thank you so much for all your support! It means a lot to me.