Be Your Wonderful Self

Be Your Wonderful Self

Don’t let anybody tell you to be or act a certain way. God has predestined you to have your very own identity. This means you have a different set of fingerprints, different blueprints for your life, a different script written out from God, for you to live out.
You’re so unique that you have certain DNA strands that no other person has. It says in the bible that God counts all the hairs on your head and collects all your tears.

And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Luke 12:7 (NLT),

8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[a]
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalm 56:8 (NLT),

The opinion of other people does not matter and should not sway you to walk a different direction, to take steps that you were never meant to take.
This should not determine the way that you talk, dress, or think.
Not everyone will agree with your vision because it is not their vision.
Your goals in life, the beliefs that you have, the drive that you have, do not let anybody take that drive away with their negative talk.

10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Galations 1:10 (NIV),

Each one of us is given a mission in life, first and foremost to love God and have no idols besides Him, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31 (NIV),

If you’re not showing yourself “self-love” and waiting only for the affection of someone else or the acceptance of someone else, how can you expect to show love to another human being?
The love that you show unto others is only as deep and as far as the love and acceptance that you show yourself.
Sometimes we even accept others more than we accept ourselves. We are extremely hard on ourselves especially if we do something wrong, or if we make a mistake.
If someone else in our life made the same mistake, we still show them kindness, love, and acceptance.
Why can’t we show that same kind of love and acceptance towards ourselves?

Living a life seeking the approval of others will be a very unhappy journey. This mentality will lead us thru many bumpy roads, never truly being the authentic selves that we were created to be.
It hurts to not receive this acceptance from others, but the future is far bleaker for people pleasers.
Are we really going to waste more of this precious time we have here on Earth making sure everyone agrees with everything we do or say? Or are we going to live out our true journey, knowing that God is pleased with us? He accepts us, loves us, and will provide for us all our needs. Simply said, nothing and nobody else will fulfill us the way He does.

He approves of you.


Dear Lord,
Sometimes we just want to be accepted and cherished by others. Honestly, it feels good to know others approve. But help us to first accept ourselves and know the true love you have for us is more than enough. You are pleased with us. You are proud of us.
Thank you for helping us to only walk down the roads we are supposed to and not follow other people’s vision. Help us to be our true authentic selves, showing ourselves grace and love. Let this love inside of us be so strong that it trickles down to everyone else, even the ones who reject us.
In Jesus name, we pray,

Blushing Baketress

Hello, my name is Cynthia, the Blushing Baketress! My life is full of being a wife, Pittie mom (aka Pitbull), baker, encourager, writer, and old-school car cruiser. If you're interested in any of these topics, and even if you're not, please join in the fun on my blog! Let's hit the gas and don't look back!

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