You are living waters.Flowing through my veins.Keeping me alive.You refresh me.You restore me to a greater existence.Flowing waters travel through my body.I am consumed with Your love.Your love is unchanging….
2 Then the Lord answered me and said,“Write the vision And engrave it plainly on [clay] tabletsSo that the one who reads it will run.3 For the vision is yet…
This poem is about God being proud of His children for all their hard work, faithfulness, and lessons learned. Now He can work thru us to fulfill dreams: Hit the…
This is a poem about the frustrations we, as Christians, sometimes face in our daily walk. It begins with me talking to God asking Him questions. It ends with His…
The physical incapabilities of my body is evident.The red burning of my cheeks.The heart in my chest beating oh so fast.The weakness in my legs.The part of my gut that…
Anyone get sick of putting a fitted sheet on their bed? Haha! The other day I reversed it. I picked out a regular sheet from my closet to cover the…
Something important occurred to me today. I personally thought I knew everything I needed to know about being suited up with the armor of God. But as you may already…